Fairlawn Avenue United Church Intl. Day of Pink ~ Martin Boyce's Courage to Stand Up Tour - Fairlawn Avenue United Church Fairlawn Avenue United Church Intl. Day of Pink ~ Martin Boyce's Courage to Stand Up Tour - Fairlawn Avenue United Church Skip to content
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Fairlawn played host to the Courage to Stand Up tour featuring Martin Boyce on Sunday, April 16, 2023, a participant in 1969’s Stonewall Riots. This was Boyce’s only public gathering in the GTA during his cross-country tour

This event was a fundraiser to support our current refugee sponsorship in partnership with Rainbow Railroad, of a single man from Africa who escaped state sponsored persecution.

If you are inspired to support this refugee ministry, there are several methods to donate.

  • Scan the QR code with your phone for direct access to secure online donations to Refugee Sponsorship
  • Via e-transfer to etransfer@fairlawnavenueunuited.ca – indicate ‘Refugee Sponsorship’ in the memo line
  • Mail or drop off a cheque to Fairlawn Avenue United Church, 28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, ON M5M 1S7 – indicate ‘Refugee Sponsorship’ in the memo line

Charitable Registration #10737 1676 RR0001

Refugee Sponsorship QR code

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Martin Boyce was involved in New York City’s gay rights movement and a regular at the Stonewall Inn when, on June 28, 1969, he was a participant in the Stonewall Riots (also known as the Stonewall Uprising). They were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay (LGBT) community against a police raid that began in the early morning hours. Looking back, they played a key role leading to the gay liberation movement and the modern fight for LGBTQ+ rights south of the border.

His Courage to Stand Up tour began in Western Canada in 2022 to reach audiences in communities and online as he shares stories about the Stonewall events. Still an ‘active activist’, Boyce was interviewed at Fairlawn by Michael Coren, Anglican priest, columnist and former broadcaster. The tour visited Fairlawn thanks to our Affirm Ministry and the International Day of Pink, and was generously funded by the U.S. Embassy.

Our Affirm chair, Kevin Doe, spoke at last year’s International Day of Pink at Bowmore Public School. This year, York Mills Collegiate where Doe teaches has been selected to host the 2023 Day of Pink, featuring Martin Boyce. 

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