Messiah/Complex ~ An Advent Presentation
Messiah/Complex ~ An Advent Presentation
Registration is required - please book your FREE tickets today on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/messiahcomplex-an-advent-presentation-tickets-1099122768789?aff=oddtdtcreator Join us as we gather together on the winter solstice, in Advent, for a screening of Against the Grain Theatre's interpretation of Handel's Messiah. This masterpiece presents 4 choirs, 6 languages and 12 soloists representing every province and territory across the country. Please consider bringing a donation of a non-perishable food item to support a local indigenous men's shelter. For more information about Messiah/Complex, visit the Against The Grain Theater's website: https://atgtheatre.com/upcoming/messiah-complex/ and view the YouTube trailer.