Broadview Discussion Group
Online2024 Schedule and Zoom Login All readers of the print and online editions are welcome. Join us online for review and discussion of articles and features from the current issue of Broadview Magazine.
2024 Schedule and Zoom Login All readers of the print and online editions are welcome. Join us online for review and discussion of articles and features from the current issue of Broadview Magazine.
October 2024 -> Please note the Prayer Shawl Ministry is meeting in October off-schedule on Tuesday, October 22 at 1:30pm in-person and off-site. For details, please contact Jan Schlee at The Prayer Shawl Ministry knitters meet the third Wednesday of every month (September - June) at 1:00pm to 2:00pm online to knit and chat. Prayer shawls are offered to Fairlawn members, family and friends in need of support and comfort, or to celebrate a special occasion. The knitters work on their own time on these cozy, warm shawls that serve as a tangible reminder that one is not alone. Please contact Jan Schlee at if you would like to participate in this Ministry or if you know of someone who would appreciate receiving a shawl.
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, we gather online for Christian Meditation. In the summer months, we will meet monthly: July 3, 2024 August 7, 2024 September 4, 2024 This group is open to anyone who is interested in Meditation at any level, or are curious. All are welcome. Please email moderator, Patrick Sullivan, at to receive the Zoom login details.
The Human Resource and Relationships Committee (HR&R) gather and meet every 2 months. Should you have matters for the committee to consider, please contact the chair, Allan Hux at .
The Senior Choir of Fairlawn Avenue United Church is an auditioned group of approximately 35 members, including an 8-member professional core. The Seniors sing every Sunday from September through June at the 10:30am worship service, and are responsible for an introit, two anthems and all other service music. The Senior Choir practice weekly on Thursday evenings at 7:15pm – 9:00pm in the Sanctuary.
Worship Services at Fairlawn Avenue United are on Sunday mornings at 10:30am in our sanctuary, with Minister the Rev. Dr. Cameron Watts; Associate Minister Rev. Jean Ward; Eleanor Daley, Director of Music; and the Fairlawn Avenue Senior Choir. If you’d like to revisit any of our online worship services, please visit our website worship page or YouTube channel.
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, post-service in the sanctuary – we encourage you to bring your own mug! Coffee hour provides an important opportunity for people to connect with one another, welcome guests and feel part of Fairlawn.
Tuesday Lunch Crowd meets online the second Tuesday of each month for a social gathering and to hear a presentation from various guest speakers. TLC is open to everyone, please join us on Zoom! ZOOM LOGIN.
UPDATE: Gathering on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 has been CANCELLED. The next gathering is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. We have 2 women’s spirituality groups where women meet monthly to contemplate life’s questions and support each other. Women’s Spirituality Group II meet monthly on the third Tuesday (September - June) from 1:00pm – 2:30pm in the chapel. If interested, please reach out to Sue Ennis at:
Our pastoral visitation ministry provides support and compassion for those who may occasionally experience difficulty in their lives and supports our senior members when they can no longer regularly attend church. We send cards and flowers and keep them connected to Fairlawn through phone calls and personal visits. If you have any questions or would like to be involved in this ministry, please contact Kathy Salisbury or Elaine Pitts at .