Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
The Human Resource and Relationships Committee (HR&R) gather and meet every 2 months. Should you have matters for the committee to consider, please contact the chair, Allan Hux at .
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
This week, our Friday prayer vigil for Gaza will start at 6:30pm in our sanctuary and end (weather permitting) on the lawn with a silent vigil by candlelight. We offer space for Fairlawners, friends and neighbours to share in prayers and readings, to bear witness to the lives lost, and for the hope of peace.
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Giving Tuesday is a global movement unleashing the power of “radical generosity”. It came to Canada in 2013 as a simple idea: designate a day – November 28 – that encourages people to do good. If you have any unopened travel-sized toiletries or personal hygiene products, Street Health, one of our Embrace Action partner organizations, would love to use them in their work on Indigenous Harm Reduction in Toronto this winter. Simply drop the donated items from 10:00 to10:30am before worship, in the Nook (SE sanctuary entrance).
Quarterly online meeting of Fairlawn’s Governing Council. Governing Council – Vacancies Governing Council is the body of volunteers elected by the Congregation to ensure that the Mission /Call expressed by the congregation is fulfilled in diverse and effective ways , and that the operations of Fairlawn Avenue United Church are carried out responsibly and in support of that Mission. The full Governing Council meet approximately four times per year. We’re seeking several Fairlawners who believe in the work of our church community and want to help shape that vision. Might you be interested in being part of Fairlawn’s council? Do you have some leadership or personnel experience to offer to the church? Would you consider co-chairing with a friend? There will be lots of support from the current chairs and from the ongoing team. Chair, Governing Council Chair, Explore Spirituality Chair, Experience Belonging Find out more by watching the recording of the April 30 congregational meeting.
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Fall Clean-up Fairlawn continues its fall work party tradition on Wednesday morning. Bring your rakes and we’ll provide the bags. Many hands make light work. Thanks for your help in beautifying Fairlawn!
October 2024 -> Please note the Prayer Shawl Ministry is meeting in October off-schedule on Tuesday, October 22 at 1:30pm in-person and off-site. For details, please contact Jan Schlee at The Prayer Shawl Ministry knitters meet the third Wednesday of every month (September - June) at 1:00pm to 2:00pm online to knit and chat. Prayer shawls are offered to Fairlawn members, family and friends in need of support and comfort, or to celebrate a special occasion. The knitters work on their own time on these cozy, warm shawls that serve as a tangible reminder that one is not alone. Please contact Jan Schlee at if you would like to participate in this Ministry or if you know of someone who would appreciate receiving a shawl.
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Fairlawn, has partnered with the Red Door Family Shelter, since 2007 to make the holidays a little brighter for the families sheltering there. A donation box for new, unwrapped toys and gifts will be located at the doors of the Sanctuary Sunday, November 12, 19, 26, and December 3 from 9:30-10:30am. Please note that only new items can be accepted. Cash donations may be made online or via with the memo line noted as "Red Door" or directly through your offering or Stewardship Campaign pledge. For more information, please contact Sue Ennis at .
The Transgender Day of Remembrance, November 20, was set aside to recognize those who have been killed due to ignorance and hatred, targeted because they were trans or gender non-conforming. The first event took place in 1999 in San Francisco to honour Rita Hester, who had been brutally murdered the previous year.
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
UPDATE: Gathering on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 has been CANCELLED. The next gathering is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. We have 2 women’s spirituality groups where women meet monthly to contemplate life’s questions and support each other. Women’s Spirituality Group II meet monthly on the third Tuesday (September - June) from 1:00pm – 2:30pm in the chapel. If interested, please reach out to Sue Ennis at:
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
28 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Please note November meeting will take place Wed., Nov. 22. The Explore Spirituality Council (ES) meet online the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:00om – 5:00pm. If you are interested in joining the ES Council, please reach out to Governance
Our Pastoral Visitation Team offers connection and caring in several ways and meet as a group online quarterly. If you would like more information or to volunteer, please contact Jan Schlee at: Our pastoral visitation ministry provide support and compassion for those who may occasionally experience difficulty in their lives, and supports our senior members when they can no longer regularly attend church.