Congratulations to Wenh-In Ng

2023 Companion of the Centre for Christian Studies
The Centre for Christian Studies is pleased to announce that the 2023 recipient of the Companion of the Centre Award is a member of our Fairlawn Avenue faith community, Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng (吳 詠 嫣 Wu Yong-yan).
Wenh-In is an ordained United Church minister, an educator, and an advocate for anti-racism and interculturalism. She is described by one of the people who nominated her as a “trailblazer” and “a fabulous educator” who specializes in “helping students overcome their own biases to engage others who are different, especially those who are historically marginalized.” Another notes that she has “gently yet intrepidly
crossed borders in her advocacy for justice throughout her life – in her teaching, scholarship, and practices of Christian education, in her ministry of networking, especially for gender and racial justice.”
Born in the former British colony of Hong Hong, Wenh-In – her name means “reciting poetry” and “smile” – became grounded in global citizenship via a childhood in Macau and Hanoi. Following two post-secondary degrees at the University of Hong Kong, Wenh-In found her fluid sense of “home” reinforced by doctoral study years at Columbia University in New York City, while her ecumenical awareness blossomed at Union Theological Seminary. Both were strengthened by several years as a lecturer at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. Upon her young family’s move to Canada, the integration of church education and theological education has characterized Wenh-In’s subsequent teaching-learning ministries – five years as Christian Development Officer of Hamilton Conference (1981-86), nine years at the Vancouver School of Theology (1986-1995), and until her retirement in 2002, at Emmanuel College. She also acted as UCC General Council Minister for Racial Justice, and as Toronto Conference’s Conference Minister for Social Justice and Ethnic Ministries (2005-2009), in her continuing involvement on CEARN (Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network), and in contributing a chapter addressing anti-Asian hate and violence to a new edition of Injustice and the Care of Souls (Fortress Press 2023).
One of the most meaningful projects of Wenh-In’s years at VST was participating in the development of its Native Ministries M. Div. by Extension program. It is continued in her current attempts to raise awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s work and its Calls to Action, both personally, in faith communities, and in her current study and research. Her current goal is learning how to be a worthy elder and, eventually, become a good ancestor.
Wenh-In Ng will be presented with the Companion of the Centre Award at the Centre for Christian Studies’ Annual Service of Celebration in Winnipeg on April 23, 2023. In the meantime, Fairlawn joins in celebrating this honour for Wenh-In who epitomizes Fairlawn’s own efforts to embrace diversity, intercultural ministry, and inclusion!