Tuesday Lunch Crowd
Tuesday Lunch Crowd meets online the second Tuesday of each month (September through June) for a social gathering and to hear a presentation from various guest speakers.
TLC is open to everyone, please join us on Zoom!
Our TLC gathers Tuesday, December 10 at 12:55pm for a presentation by Lorne Opler about the MIND Diet. Eat to protect our brain! The MIND diet is proven to reduce Alzheimer’s risk, cognitive decline and protect your heart health.
or copy and paste this url into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81856862925?pwd=eVOTaVcMmO6NDxGagryFIqqw6b1PEg.1
To participate by phone, call: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588
(Outside Toronto, find your local number.)
- Enter Meeting ID: 818 5686 2925#
- Participation ID: Press the # key
- Password: 2961245#
To Mute/Unmute press *6
Zoom Etiquette
If you are new to Zoom, you might want to try to login 5 minutes before the meeting.
When we have a guest speaker, we ask you to mute your computer, tablet, smart phone or telephone so that we can all hear the speaker clearly without any background noise that could be picked up by your device.
Seeing the speaker
Hover your mouse in the top right of your screen and select “Speaker View” if it is not already selected. (The alternative is “Gallery View” which lets you see all participants at once.)
Seeing each other, all of us at once
Hover your mouse in the top right of your screen and select “Gallery View” if it is not already selected. (The alternative is “Speaker View” which lets you see only the speaker.)
Question and Answer Period?
Yes, indeed! Participants may write their questions at any time using the Zoom “Chat” function during the presentation. The speaker will answer your questions (time permitting) afterthe main presentation. Find the “Chat” link when you hover your mouse along the bottom of your screen. Another option to ask a question during the Q&A is to unmute yourself to ask your question, then re-mute for the answer.
Zoom Tutorial