Fairlawn Avenue United Church Gibimishkaadimin - Fairlawn Avenue United Church Fairlawn Avenue United Church Gibimishkaadimin - Fairlawn Avenue United Church Skip to content
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Gibimishkaadimin – A Project of Reconciliation 

The initial Gibimishkaadimin five-year pilot project has ended, but the program has evolved and continues!

Gibimishkaadimin is a journey of reconciliation, engaging Indigenous youth from across Canada, and non-Indigenous youth from southern and eastern Ontario. Gibimishkaadimin is a youth leadership opportunity to foster relationships with each other and the land as part of a summer canoe trip.

Gibimishkaadimin is a youth project of truth and reconciliation within The United Church of Canada in a partnership between the National Indigenous Council and General Council. It is funded from a bequest from Helen Ricker, donations from Bloor Street United, Fairlawn Avenue United and Rosedale United Churches, Indigenous Ministries & Justice, United Church, Toronto United Church Council, Shining Waters Region, and individual donors.

2025 ~ Gibimishkaadimin Reunion Breakfast

Acting On Our Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Commitment

Saturday, March 1, 2025, the participants from the 2024 Gibimishkaadimin Summer Canoe Trip gathered for a reunion breakfast at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church.

A special “Thank You” goes out to Philip Blackford, Martha Boyce, Allan Hux, Judy Langstaff, Elaine and John McCarthy and Derek Wishart who helped make breakfast for the 24 youth who participated in last summer’s Gibimishkaadimin Canoe Trip. 

Fairlawn Volunteers

2024 Exciting News! 

At the February 2024 Tuesday Lunch Crowd, Fairlawner Philip Blackford shared a video and comments on the remit, the future of Gibimishkaadimin and Fairlawn’s involvement, the creation of an Autonomous National Indigenous Church, and the role Gibimishkaadimin has played in the decisions being made. 

You are invited to donate to Gibimishkaadimin and support Fairlawn on this path with Bloor Street United and Rosedale United.

Please visit the official Gibimishkaadimin website for all details and application form

Gibimishkaadimin Reunion ~ A Resounding Success!

Gibimishkaadimin Reunion II

The last weekend of February 2023 saw 23 Indigenous and Non-Indigenous youth who participated in last summer’s Gibimishkaadimin Canoe Trip arrive in Toronto for a fun-filled weekend of renewed friendships and urban adventures. Over the course of their three days in Toronto, the campers experienced the CN Tower, shopping at the Eaton Centre, skating at Nathan Phillip’s Square and marvelling at Sharks After Dark at Ripley’s Aquarium, combined with cultural teachings provided by Indigenous elders, a little sleep and lots of laughter and merriment. Sunday morning had them breakfasting with Rev. Carmen Lansdowne, Moderator of the United Church, before heading off to the Escape Rooms at Casa Loma.  

Year 5: Gibimishkaadimin 2023

Fairlawn Participants

Megan Boone
Malcolm La Prairie
Lucy Tempest

Ella Pattison

Alex Huibrechtse-Berndorff
Reid Doherty 

Please visit Fairlawn webpages for each individual trip year:

Please note that due to the pandemic, there were no trips in 2020 and 2021